Highland Adventist® School

Christ Centered... Student Focused.

Advantages of a Small School

There are many benefits to attending a small school compared to attending a larger one. The family feel of a small school can be just what is needed for student success, comfort and confidence.  If you are considering which school is right for your child, it is wise to consider the size of the school as one important factor.  We believe that attending a small school can provide pupils with many advantages:

Individualized Learning

Teachers with a small class find it much easier to monitor student progress and find individualized ways to help each student succeed.  Every student learns differently but a large class may have more "one size fits all" requirements for students.  Teachers in small schools are more likely to have time to spend with each student and to know where a student may need individual time and help.  Due to the close working relationship in a small school, students are more likely to communicate with their teachers about problems and issues with their work and get the help they need.

More social confidence is likely

Students in smaller classes are much more likely to feel a sense of community and less isolated by cliques.  That community spirit and safe environment makes speaking out and talking in front of the group an easier thing to accomplish.  Trying new things and interacting socially can come easier.

Teaching staff can know their pupils better

In a small school, it is hard to fade into the background.  Each student is unique and well known to the teacher.  That makes dealing with problems in areas relating to social, mental, academic, emotional, and physical health easier to spot and deal with early in a small school.  While there are caring teachers at schools of all sizes, it unfortunately can be easier to hide a mental health challenge in a large student group.  Early intervention is essential to dealing with a Mental health crisis.  Teachers in a small school have a better chance of spotting a problem early.

More inclusive

Our kids are unique. . .and we value and embrace that characteristic in each of them!  Sometimes in a bigger group, a child with unique gifts and characteristics may be singled out by peers as different.  There is a better chance small school students will enjoy school and avoid detrimental labels that can linger in their minds for years.

Pupils value learning

The chance of finding a group of friends who are likeminded and value learning is good in a small school.  Parents who seek out small school experiences for their children often have a strong desire for their child to succeed.  There is a higher likelihood that students (and their parents) will value education, be engaged in the learning process and less likely to be disruptive.  There will generally be a higher percentage of pupils who have a strong desire to learn. In larger schools, you are more likely to find some children are disengaged with learning and can disrupt learning for their peers.

Parents often have a better relationship with the school

It is also easier for parents to be more involved in the school community, whether that is having a quick chat with their child’s teacher about their progress or getting involved with school events and social events. Many parents make friends with other parents or get involved with events related to their hobbies.

Some children can do well at larger schools, while others can feel a bit lost amongst the masses. When you are choosing the right school for your child, you should take their personality into account and decide whether a small school community would be better to enable them to develop greater confidence and give them a better chance for development.

Read more about the Small School Advantage at:



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